Our Mission

How Does Neelkanth Foundation Work?

Neelkanth Foundation, the social initiative set up by NGO, has several programmes to help underprivileged children and young people of India realize their potential.

Our flagship initiative, called NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Program, provides free quality education to children in rural areas, with a special focus on the girl child. Our NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Quality Support Program aims to improve the overall schooling experience of children

Our flagship initiative, called NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Program, provides free quality education to children in rural areas, with a special focus on the girl child. Our NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Quality Support Program aims to improve the overall schooling experience of children

Our flagship initiative, called NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Program, provides free quality education to children in rural areas, with a special focus on the girl child. Our NEELKANTH FOUNDATION Quality Support Program aims to improve the overall schooling experience of children

NEELKANTH based on work of consists of civic initiatives that engage volunteers in causes like animal welfare, health, environment etc.Neelkanth Foundation set up a state-wide network to supply clothes and other underutilized urban materials to rural areas, communities, and disaster-struck areas.Our supplies range from clothes and school infrastructure materials to sanitary pads.

Our works on several fronts such as quality healthcare, universal Pension, action against elder abuse. It also advocates for elder-friendly policies and their implementation.

Main Focusing work of our NGO is a Make A Difference works towards empowering children in orphanages and shelters.Through education, the organization ensures that these disadvantaged children are economically independent to achieve their dreams.

As our foundation recognize that 39% of the Indian labour force is illiterate. 80% youth in India enter the workforce without any formal training. Neelkanth Foundation give training needs, coaching opportunities and career planning opportunities in an effort to tackle unemployment. We provide experiences meant to foster life skills, language literacy, career skills, digital literacy and entrepreneurship.

As our ngo survey that 9 out of 10 kids drop out of school, 34,500 children are engaged in child labour, and one in every three kids is addicted to tobacco. So our ngo improving the condition of those children who are addicted to tobacco and who are engaged in child labour.

In Conclusion

Working in an NGO gives you a perspective on things and life in general, that ordinary people can’t normally see. You are exposed to realities that are quite different from yours. You interact with people in need and your actions directly impact their lives. You’ll have some heartbreaking moments, some hopeless and desperate moments, and hear stories that’ll bring tears to your eyes.

Working at an NGO comes with a great responsibility and requires your commitment, dedication, and willingness to go on even when things look bleak. To sum up, working at an NGO will let you earn money, help people and work towards the development of the entire country.

And while you’re working in these organizations, you’ll also make a difference in people’s lives. What are you waiting for? Send your CV now!Also, even though we aren’t exactly an NGO we are a social venture which is driven to help Indian youth like you to be more employable and successful by providing the right kind of learning.

So our ngo want to work for a social cause and our ngo are passionate about education, and you can also join us with new ideas and new developing skills in a different way to create a good history.

How To Get Involved With Neelkanth Foundation ?

You could get involved by making donations or volunteering with their programmes. Just write to them at Email Id :- neelkanthfoundation1998@gmail.com

You can volunteer, take up an internship, be a campus ambassador, or work with them. You can volunteer as a teacher for a minimum of two hours every week or on and off for events.

They also have one-off volunteering opportunities. You simply have to fill up a form and they’ll get back to you within a couple of weeks.

They offer internships at, Tamil-Nadu ,Kerala, Karnataka, Delhi, Haryana, Assam and All over India throughout the year and at other chapters during specific periods. To register, you have to fill up a form and they’ll get back to you on opportunities.

Our volunteers commit a year and spend between 2 and 10 hours every week mentoring, teaching and interacting with children in order to ensure that they get the support and care they need during childhood. As we take an example of – Michelle Obama says,

“ Make a Difference is an amazing program designed and run by young adults who recruit other young people, outstanding college students like themselves, to mentor and teach children who haven’t had the same chances in life as many of the mentors have had.”
– Michelle Obama
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